If you are anything like me, you wait until the VERY last minute to prepare for school events. I always end up volunteering to bring something easy like store bought cookies or pretzels and chips. This year I signed up to send in flavored water pouches. My daughter wasn’t impressed, so I decided to take a few minutes to jazz up the pouches… These Mummy Drink Pouches were successful in wowing my daughter, and the other kids in her class.
They are super easy to make–all you need is some drink pouches, white crepe paper, googly eyes, and a hot glue gun (I also used a small black piece of black construction paper to glue on the eyes, but it’s not necessary).
PS Be careful with the glue gun! I am a klutz and burned my fingers a couple of times gluing the eyes ;-).
Mummy Drink Pouches

[…] Looking for some other cute Halloween ideas? Check out these fun juice pouches! […]