I’m suffering from a severe case of Mommy Brain. I can’t remember ANYTHING. Now I was warned when I was pregnant that I would get “Pregnancy Brain,” but I was promised it would reverse itself after I gave birth and all those raging hormones were gone. WRONG! After each child (five total–all girls no less), my brain capacity seemed to shrink by 20 percent. I must be down to about 11%, max.
I walk into a room and instantly forget why I am there. I look around thinking “Why did I come in here?” and more often than not, I won’t remember until several hours later, “Oh yeah! I wanted a cup of tea.” Or “Crap! I forgot to call the vet and change Sparky’s appointment!” Short of tattooing the information on my forearm, I just can’t seem to get my s#*& together.
And yes, I make lists.
I have lists everywhere. Grocery lists, to-do lists, task lists, work lists, lists on my phone…you name it. I will carefully document all the items I need to get from the grocery store and leave the list at home. When I return from the store I spent $200 and still forgot the eggs. My dear husband is no help, either.
Ring! “Hey honey. I forgot the grocery list. Can you read to me what’s written on the fridge?” “Where on the fridge?” “It’s right on the door about halfway down on the right-hand side.” “I don’t see a grocery list here, just a bunch of scribbles: mink, egos, breast…what kind of list is this anyway!?!” “Oh, just forget it!” click.
I can’t remember my kids names. Okay, give me a little leeway here. I do have five kids, all girls as I think I might have already mentioned. So when I’m calling for my oldest to put the clothes in the dryer I go through the entire list of names before the correct one is called. “Kylagillygabbyannacaehlin. You! Child number one, get over here!”
I used to laugh when my sister-in-law would say “Connorstephen” whenever she was looking for one of her boys. “It was just easier than trying to get the correct name the first time,” she said. Whatever, I thought, how can you not remember your own child’s name?!? Now I do the same thing! But I take it one step further…I can’t always remember all of their names! “Kyla…ah, Gillian, Annaliese, wait, who am I forgetting?”
This is maddening! I’m not supposed to forget things like the precise time, date, weight, length and APGAR score of each of my children. My pediatrician must think I am a moron because I can’t keep my kids’ birthdays straight. I’m always saying November 7th for Caehlin even though she was born on the 6th. Or I will call to make an appointment for one child and give the receptionist the birth date for someone else. “What did you say your child’s name was?” “Oh, I’m sorry, I have too many children! I meant….”
No really, I’m not an idiot. I just have Mommy Brain.
Holly Southernmom says
So funny! I know that feeling! I only have 2, so I must be around 13% maybe? That doesn't keep me from forgetting what I was saying mid-sentence though. Do you forget simple words too, or is that just me? "So we went…um, you know…like when you go over a bridge? Starts with A. Little word. Six letters. Dang it!!!!!!" "Were you looking for ACROSS?" "YES! I swear I'm not a moron."
Kate says
Oh my goodness, yes Holly!! It's so embarrassing! I'll ask one of my girls to get something for me and I'll say, "Bring me the thing-a-ma-jig, you know that thing right there…. the silver thing on the counter." "You mean the scissors?" "Yes!! Thank you."
tara pittman says
We will always have mommy brains as with each kid we have more to remember