Are you a dog family or a cat family… maybe both? Then you are going to want to read this!

I’m excited to share that I’ve partnered with C Space to raise awareness for their Pet Pack online community! The community will consist of cat and dogs owners across the US who will be discussing everything about their pets. From treats to toys, the community will be discussing it all! Members selected to participate in this exclusive community must own either a cat or dog and will earn monthly Amazon gift codes for sharing their thoughts in research activities!

Quick Facts About the Community
- Members in this private community share their opinions with each other about a wide range of pet related topics.
- Discussion topics, polls and news are shared by fellow members and community facilitators.
- Participants will receive recurring Amazon eGift cards for contributing to the community. Spots in this community are limited!
- All participant feedback and opinions will be kept confidential.

This is a unique opportunity to connect with other pet enthusiasts across the United States and directly impact a major brand’s future offerings!
Please take our qualifying survey here:
Again, spots are limited, so sign up today!

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