This summer has been a roller-coaster ride with the ups and downs that life tends to send you on. Here are my random thoughts to catch up on what’s been going on…
Turned 40 a few weeks ago. Don’t feel any different than I did in my 30’s. Actually still feel like I’m a 25 year old, and I guess that is a good thing, most of the time. It’s getting scary though, my daughters and I like the same music… Sean Kingston, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, The Black Eyed Peas, Lady GaGa (don’t like her much, but like a lot of her music) and shhh, don’t tell anyone but I’m liking Miley Cyrus and Miranda Cosgrove’s new stuff. It find it hard to believe that my oldest is going into 7th grade and my baby will be 3 in a few days. That’s really the only time I start to feel “old”, or when I hear that some of my HS classmates are GRANDPARENTS already. That is truly terrifying.
Just found out today that one of my aunt’s was diagnosed with uterine cancer and is currently undergoing surgery. Her prognosis is good, will still need chemo after the surgery. But she is in good spirits and that is half the battle I think.
One of my 3-Day Walks of Life teammates and training walk leader is battling Leukemia. She is doing good now. Out of the hospital and just got back from an Alaskan cruise. She did some amazing things like riding in a helicopter and hiking on a glacier and is already back to leading training walks! She is an amazing person and I admire her strength and determination.
My oldest and dearest friend Kathy (we met in jr. high) recently got married.
Colm and I will be celebrating out 14th Wedding Anniversary in just a few days! It’s hard to believe it’s been 14 years already!
Another good friend who I’ve known since high school, told me that her husband is on his way back to Afghanistan for his 3rd tour and will be gone for a year! I don’t know how she does it. I go insane when Colm works 18 hour days, I don’t think I could last a whole year without him. (Be sure to send your prayers to Chad and his unit so they make it home safe and sound, and FAST)! It reminds me how lucky I am.
Summer is nearly over (less than four weeks until school starts, not that I’m counting…) and I haven’t done half the things I wanted to do or needed to do. Really must get my list written down and start crossing things off…
Anyhow, my walking is going okay, I get out at least once a week with Marianna, my Walks of Life teammate and try to do some other stuff too.
We have been enjoying the pool this summer, well at least in July we did. It was REALLY hot!! Haven’t been in it this week or turned on the pump for that matter and now it’s turning green. Better make a trip to the pool store and get some chemicals to make it pretty again…
What I really need to do is start getting serious about training. I should be up to about 10 miles a day 3 days a week by now, only doing 4-8 miles a week. Hubby suggested I get up early and walk when everyone is asleep, but since I don’t usually get to bed until after 1 or 2 getting up at 6 is very hard to do. But I’m going to try to hire a sitter once or twice a week so that I can go out more regularly and on longer walks.
Anyhow back to work. Promise I’ll try to be better about blogging. Chao!
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