If you’ve been to Disney World or Disneyland in the last 10 years or so, I’m fairly certain you have heard of a Dole Pineapple Whip… if not, it’s about time you did!!
Truthfully, until a friend sent me this recipe from Food.com, I had never heard of a pineapple whip before!
I haven’t been to Disney World since before I was married, when my husband Colm (my boyfriend at the time) and two friends met me down in Orlando for a long weekend. And I don’t remember seeing a Dole Pineapple Whip. Of course we spent a lot of time on Pleasure Island partaking in adult beverages so I wasn’t exactly looking for one.
When I made the Food.com recipe it was just okay. I knew I could make it better so I, to my daughters’ delight, started playing with the recipe. They had the most fun testing out my “failures” until I discovered the perfect recipe. Actually there was only one real failure, because I added too much almond milk… but they still drank it!
The final version is a delicious and refreshing treat that only takes minutes to make (once the prep work is done). It’s so easy even my 10 year old can make it! (My 7 year old could too, but I’m a little nervous about allowing her use my commercial-grade blender.)
I’ve learned to keep several Ziplock bags of pineapple in the freezer so we can make this whenever the craving strikes. My kids added a little bit of Stevia to their whips; I thought it was sweet enough without it.
YUMMY TIP: If you aren’t counting calories you can substitute the almond milk with whipping cream for a more indulgent treat!!
Dole Pineapple Whip

Tasty Tuesday - Dole Pineapple Whip
Adapted from food.com
- 2 -20 oz cans Dole crushed pineapple, drained (reserving liquid from 1 can)
- 1/3 cup vanilla almond milk (can be substituted for any milk or heavy cream)
- 2 tablespoons Lime juice
- 2 tablespoons Lemon juice
- 1/2 cup pineapple juice, (as needed)
- Drain pineapple, reserve juice from one can.
- Place pineapple in a Ziploc bag and freeze for about 2 hours until very firm, or overnight. (I keep several bags of pineapple in the freezer to use "on demand".)
- Place pineapple, milk, lemon & lime juice in blender or food processor.
- Cover and blend until smooth. If you don't have a very powerful blender you may need to stir up the ingredients a few times to get the blender moving.
- Add the reserved pineapple juice a few tablespoons at a time until you get a good slushy consistency.
- Transfer to a cup or bowl.
- Enjoy!
This sounds so awesome! I have a pineapple in the fridge. My daughter has been bugging me to start slicing it. I now know what I am going to do with it. I can’t wait! Thanks for the recipe.